Buzz and his team from Architects Without Borders Seattle are happy to bring the Gonaives Children’s Home into our design studio to see it through completion. We are proud to do meaningful work around the globe and happy to share our “progress drawings” and sustainability concepts.

This is essentially an orphanage, but it’s also much more. It will be a resource for the community, a place to gather, a place that’s safe from storms. It will teach its young occupants about farming, about growing food, animal care, the need for these skills — and, how important they are! There will be spaces for informal school tutoring, computer space, a big kitchen and eating areas, bunk rooms and showers, plus a shaded courtyard and rooftop deck that promotes interacting and community.

We are committed to sustainability in this project. In this effort, the design incorporates:
- Raised buildings to protect from significant flooding during hurricanes.
- Confined masonry construction which has been shown to resist earthquakes.
- Water harvesting and water storage.
- Photovoltaic electricity
- Composting toilets and animal waste composting (goats & chickens)
- Vegetable gardens
- Built by local labor with locally sourced materials!
We’ve just received preliminary pricing from our contractor. We’re excited to review this. We’ll tweak the design as needed to make it all work.

Photo courtesy of Positive Action for Haiti. Renderings by the project team #ctadesignbuilders #earthdayeveryday